13 October 2023

Tonda gossa! Today was boooooooooring! The morning was so crappy, and I'm still really worried for my cat. I really hope she isn't pregnant, cause if she is then I don't know what to do. I really wish she had gotten neutered a while ago like I had begged and asked her to be. My mom refuses to neuter the male we have, and our three females arent neutered. Wonderful and joyous. The rest of today was okay, we watching my friend open Pokemon cards (nothing exciting came out of it), and I watched the second Ginger Snaps movie. It was so cool hearing most of the samples that Machine Girl put in WLFGRL, like Excruciating Deth takes one of Bridgett's dialogue almost fully from the second movie. Seeing what Ghost is named after (guess what? It's named after this girl named... Ghost) and everything else was really cool. I feel like the second movie kinda was more lame than the first, but honestly I really like these movies so it's still raw as hell. I'm going to be watching the third movie (which I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about) soon. I don't really know what else to write about, but I guess I wish I could make music. I know I wrote that my name would be Killer Wattz, but it kinda sounds really lame now that I think about it. I'm thinking about werewatts, but that kinda sounds weird. It's supposed to be like werewolf and watts, but that's obvious and kinda dumb. Maybe it'll come to me sometime soon. Pepper, one of the unneutered female cats, isn't in heat while the other two are, so I'm chilling with her. She's soooooo cute and fluffy. Roko (one of my friends) and I talked about how feeling pain is weird, because the both of us hardly really ever feel or react to it. I also talked to him about how sometimes I get this sensation in which I feel electricity jolt down my spine. I don't know what it is, or what the hell it's supposed to mean, but it feels funny and I think I'm okay, so I don't usually pay any mind to it. I'm ending this entry here on HOPEFULLY a good note. Nantekodda, everyone!

9 October 2023

Tonda gossa! Today was a good day at the start, but the more it progressed, the more... eh... it became. This morning I woke up to find a picture of the plush that I had comissioned in an email, and I was so happy and excited about it! I still am, I'm so, so happy, and I can't stop thinking about it. However, I'm also really distraught and stressed. I feel like some of my friends are just growing distant from me, and I really don't know how to feel nor do I know what to say about it. I've lost a lot of friends before, so it isn't really a matter of losing them, and feeling bad, it's just that I don't know exactly how to go about what's happening this time around. Two of my friends are hanging out a lot, and that's obviously fine, but it has gotten to a point where one of them outright refuses to hang out with us because they feel like the rest of the friend group steals the other from them. I have no idea how to take that, and they've been doing private voice chats and everything. I am ok with being friends with them, but I would honestly much rather stop being really close friends if that's the way it is going to go, or something. I don't want to sound really really jealous or rude or sound like I am replacing them or whatever, because they're still my friends after all, and I enjoy spending time with them, but I literally CANT spend time with them because they're always doing things with each other and leaving the rest of the friend group out. I don't even know why. I don't even know how to tell them that if they're going to keep pushing everyone else away then I'd much rather just stop being friends or something. I don't know. I don't really want to think about it, but it is starting to bug me and make me uncomfortable. I don't know. This is just how I feel I guess. Nantekodda, everyone.

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